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    Labia Reduction (Labiaplasty) Cost

    Labia Reduction (Labiaplasty) Cost – Atlanta

    Labia Reduction (Labiaplasty) CostDr. Paul McCluskey provides safe, proven and effective aesthetic surgery treatments, including labiaplasty, vaginal rejuvenation, and labiaplasty repair. Patients in and around Atlanta, GA have an opportunity to receive such treatments in a state of the art surgical environment at Dr. McCluskey’s practice. Dr. McCluskey will discuss the cost aspects of various treatment options during the consultation to help a patient make informed choices.

    Factors Affecting Cost of Labiaplasty

    The cost of procedures such as labiaplasty, vaginal rejuvenation, and labiaplasty repair may vary from one practice to another. The overall cost of surgery can be impacted by various factors as follows:

    Practice Location

    The cost of labiaplasty in Atlanta, GA may differ from the cost in Sacramento on average. The cost of living index can be different in each region, which can have an impact on the average cost of various products and services in a particular region, including plastic surgery services.

    Plastic Surgeon’s Fee

    The plastic surgeon may charge a fee according to his or her skills, experience and reputation in performing a particular procedure. Variations in this fee component can affect the overall cost of the procedure. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), patients should choose the most appropriate surgeon for their needs, and the fee charged by the surgeon should only be a secondary consideration in such a decision.

    Anesthesia and Operating Room Costs

    The fee charged by the anesthesiologist may also vary depending on their experience. Procedures such as labiaplasty, vaginal rejuvenation, and labiaplasty repair may be performed under general anesthesia or IV sedation as per the circumstances of a specific case. The operating room costs can vary depending on the quality of services, technology and equipment and the skills and experience of the staff.

    Other Expenses

    Costs of certain medical tests, prescription drugs, post-surgery visits to the surgeon’s office may be added to the overall costs of the procedure. When the patient is making a cost estimate, these seemingly minor costs should be considered to have a clear idea of the overall cost of procedure.

    Average Cost of Surgery

    The cost of vaginal rejuvenation will also depend on the nature of surgery to be performed. The procedure may involve perineoplasty, and anterior or posterior repair. Labia minora or majora reduction and clitoral unhooding may or may not be required for a particular patient, and the cost may differ accordingly. The average cost of surgery may vary from $6,000 to $12,000 depending on the actual procedure and various other factors.

    Insurance and Financing

    Labiaplasty or vaginal rejuvenation is usually performed as an aesthetic surgery. Like all elective surgical procedures, the cost of such a procedure is not likely to be covered under the patient’s health insurance plan. However, if any medical concerns are involved which can be corrected with the procedure, full or partial cost of the surgery may be covered under the health policy.

    Most patients also have the option to get the procedure financed through professional medical care financing firms. The surgeon’s office may be able to offer guidance or assistance with regard to insurance and financing aspects.

    For more information on treatments and procedures offered offered by Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Paul McCluskey visit:

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